Wednesday, September 22, 2010

How Are Things Going?

I'm sure people are curious about how things are going around the Gillies house.  Well, here it is......they are going beautifully!  I spent many hours worrying before we ever got Joseph home.  Worrying about, how are the other kids going to do, how will Joseph do, will he miss Uganda?  Will  he miss the climate?  What if he doesn't like our rules, what if? what if? what if?  Well, all my worries have been eased.  It feels like Joseph has been with us forever.  Like a piece of a puzzle was missing, but we didn't know it until he came into our lives.  Joseph does not miss anything in Uganda (with exception to his Grandma and brother and sister), but the things I thought he would miss, he is not missing.  I finally stopped asking if he was missing things because one day he said, "Mom, wherever you are, I am happy".  Enough said?  It doesn't matter if we are all together in Uganda, Paris or Seattle, as long as we are together, he is happy.  What a lesson to those of us who are constantly searching and waiting for the next best thing that might increase our happiness.  We are so grateful he is home.  He is as much a Gillies as the rest of the kids and they are all acting like siblings!  All of the other kiddos have adjusted well too and we are so happy to be together! 


sara said...

Praise the sweet Lord!! Love hearing that things are going so well. What a sweet boy to say that to you....ahhh. I love it!! Thrilled for you!

The McLane Blog Page: said...
