About Me

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A Letter From Joseph’s Former Music Teacher to a Proud Mama……………….

How are you now Madam Suzy?  I think you are fine, for the case of me
I am alright here in St.Johnson. Thank you for the good things you do
for student Joseph, in fact Suzy you deserve a Godly blessing because
the boy was badly off with no body to take care and I was worried of
his secondary education after primary.

I am happy to see that he has joined one of the best high schools in
Uganda. Thank you very much because Joseph has been my best
disciplined student.

I wish you a nice stay and we miss you in St.Johnson much.

Godfrey Teacher St. Johnson

(Joseph is now in a boarding school for secondary students, I had no idea it was one of the “best” schools in Uganda)!