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Sunday, January 16, 2011

The Dreaded Cat

Joseph is deathly afraid of cats.  Our cat is an outdoor cat, but with the snow I let him come inside for a few minutes.  I couldn't believe my eyes when Joseph held Taft!  He usually squeels and runs away at the sight of him.  The funny thing is that the cat tries to sneek in now and goes right to Joseph's bed and falls asleep!

Christmas Day 2010

Under Armour and Africa Necklace

Favorite Gift, Chelsea Sweatshirt from G-Ma and G-Pa B

Santa Gift.  Skecher Boots

Christmas Breakfast

Beau's Airhog Helicopter went over the barbed wire fence at Grandma and Grandpa B's house.  Leave it to Britton to save the day!

Christmas Eve 2010

Joseph's first Christmas Eve was a very special day.  First, we made homemade chili and went to Seattle to feed the homeless.  What a great experience.  The night ended by opening PJ's and acting out the Christmas story.

Happy Adoption Day!

Joseph's adoption was finalized on Dec. 21st at the King County Court House is Seattle, WA.

Joseph Decorating His First Christmas Tree................

First Thanksgiving 2010

Snow Day!

Scratched Eye!

Do you like the homemade eye patch?